Monday, October 19, 2009

Snapshot Sunday

Here is another long-awaited (ha ha!) version of Snapshot Sunday.
We had a peek from the sun for a bit so the little boy and the big boy ran around in the backyard with foam swords for a while.

We are starting to decorate for Halloween. This is Buck's favorite holiday so he goes all out. This year we decided to do a haunted Victorian mansion to be like the one from Disneyland. We have rounded up all the creepy old family pictures (of which Buck has lots :) and made a display in a bookcase. The big picture is actually Buck's parents and Buck (as the baby) back in 1970. His folks were actors and were in a play right around the time he was born so this was taken as a promotional photo.

Ian is getting into the Halloween spirit by drawing skeletons and specters and watching "Nightmare Before Christmas" about 4 times a day! He has plans to collaborate with me on a book version though.
Ah, I found a box of treasures and memories in some stuff that my mom dropped off for Nick. First I found some pictures of old houses and 15-year- old me. Man, I am glad I am not 15 again. I also found a date book from 1987, the year I was left alone at JFK airport (at age 9.5) and the year Nick accidentally burned down the house in the picture!

The last treasure is a mixed blessing. I found a really sad letter from Jensen (from 1991) with a bunch of his hair in it! It is the only physical thing I have left of him, so it was really bittersweet to find it. The letter was also heart-breaking.

See Sarah to play!

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