Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Folk Festival

We visited this in-laws again this weekend. Ian and I tend to go a lot. Ian loves his Grammy and being out on the "farm" where they live. Buck was able to come with us this time. I like it when he can come with us :) The local Folk Festival was happening while we were in town so we decided to go on Sunday.

The first thing we noticed about the fair was that it was unnaturally hot! The leaves on the trees hadn't even really started to change.

We wandered through the crowds and the booths, admiring the crafts, jewelry, furniture, art, and people. I found lots of things I liked but I was indecisive so I left empty-handed. I wish I had been more vocal about wanting to go back and look at certain booths. I am pretty good about making sure Ian gets to do the things he wants to do but I am not always as mindful about my own wants. I was fascinated by all the detail and love that the craftsmen put into their wares.

Ian wanted to ride a pony. He rode one named Flicka and had a great time. He was a little bit nervous but he loved his pony, the saddle and the experince. He didn't care for the helmet though.

We sat down in the shade of a cherry tree for lunch. Everyone went to different food stalls to get their favorites. While we were eating Ian told us that he wanted a ribbon stick. We had seen a few kids waving brightly painted sticks with ribbons on the end and Ian thought they were cool. I asked him where we could find them and without any hesitation he said, "In the big barn!" The big barn was our next destination. We hadn't been there yet and we couldn't see the entrance. The barn was where the dancing and singing was held. There were also booths inside and Folk Festival shirts for sale there. As soon as we walked inside we saw a boy with a ribbon stick. I asked him where he bought it and sure enough he pointed to a stall about 20 feet away! Ian was right! I asked him how he knew they would be there and he said, "Because I wanted one." Wow. I wish I could be that sure of myself. Seriously.

We bought kettle corn and wandered around some more. Ian walked around with Grammy a bit. When he saw us again several minutes later he ran up to us singing his Transformers song at the top of his lungs. It is so fun to watch him learn and grow and share things he is passionate about with us.

We didn't stay at the festival for long but it was such a treat to be together, chatting and laughing (and sweating!) and holding hands with loved ones.

P.S. Thanks to Stephanie for her help in figuring out how to do the photo merge thing in Photoshop!


  1. I don't think I've ever mentioned it, though I have thought of it often - your son is gorgeous! I love the picture in the sidebar, as well as the banner.

    Glad your figured out the ps thing!

  2. John C Cambell Folk School! I went there for a week of pottery, twelve years ago, a few months before my wedding. I have always thought that it would be a great trip to take with the kids, now that they are old enough to all do a craft. The knowing where to get what he wanted story is so cool.

  3. Ahhh...thanks so much, Stephanie! I think he is gorgeous too but I might be a bit biased.

    That is why I called the blog "I Candy". When I first started out I was just going to post pictures and info about Ian for family members so I played on the whole "eye candy" idea and used "I" for Ian instead of eye.

    I am glad this blog has evolved though.

    Thanks so much for your comment. It made my day.

  4. Isn't it, Madeline? I was just floored when I saw the ribbon stick booth.

    It would be so freeing for me to be able to be sure of myself like he is. I tend to think of the negatives and what ifs and talk myself out of a thing before I even try it, so it is impossible before I start. That is something I am working on.

    I would love to go to the Folk School sometime when the fair isn't there. It is just lovely.

    Thanks for stopping by.
